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Kia ora Mālō e lelei Talofa lava Ni sa bula vinaka Mālo ni Fakatalofa atu Mauri Kia orāna Fakalofa lahi atu Hello

Welcome to TupuToa!

Only 17 per cent of New Zealand’s top 60 firms have an executive who identifies as other than European/Pākehā.

Growing Māori and Pacific leaders
for a greater Aotearoa

TupuToa seeks to ensure corporate Aotearoa is representative of our country, by developing and empowering our people and building the cultural capability of our partners.

Our programmes aim to address the persistent inequalities facing our communities and disrupt intergenerational disadvantage. We work to reduce entry and advancement barriers which are biased against Māori and Pacific communities and support organisations in successfully recruiting and onboarding Māori and Pacific peoples.

Growing Māori and Pacific leaders for a greater Aotearoa 

Growing Māori and Pacific leaders for a greater Aotearoa 

Growing Māori and Pacific leaders for a greater Aotearoa 

Growing Māori and Pacific leaders for a greater Aotearoa 

Growing Māori and Pacific leaders for a greater Aotearoa 

Growing Māori and Pacific leaders for a greater Aotearoa 

Join the TupuToa whānau 

Join the TupuToa whānau 

Join the TupuToa whānau 

Join the TupuToa whānau 

Join the TupuToa whānau 

Join the TupuToa whānau 

We partner with organisations committed to diversity, equity and inclusion.

TupuToa’s investment partners are a stand-out group of corporates and public sector organisations committed to a fundamental shift in business practises and culture, maximising Māori and Pacific potential in the workplace and building strong pathways and Māori and Pacific leaders.

Our Programmes 

Our Programmes 

Our Programmes 

Our Programmes 

Our Programmes 

Our Programmes 











We empower our Māori and Pacific communities to unlock their full potential.

TupuToa aims to provide professional opportunities for Māori and Pacific in corporate, government and community organisations. We do this through our programmes and pathways below.

Hikohiko te Uira

You will learn how to communicate, collaborate and share online using Microsoft 365 tools such as Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams and OneDrive.


Learn more here.

Kia Tupu Kia Toa

TupuToa has extended its support by establishing an early to mid-career leadership programme for Māori and Pacific professionals.

Learn more here.

Internship Programme

An employment pathway that provides professional opportunities for Māori and Pacific tertiary students in corporate, government and community organisations.


Learn more here.

Salesforce Bootcamp

These three training opportunities will secure your foot in the door working with technology to solve real-world business challenges. Having these globally-recognised credits and certifications will allow you to access to digital careers in Aotearoa and beyond.

Learn more here.